
Solve problems and help your team overcome obstacles holding you short of your true potential. With the help of an outside voice and trusted advisor, your team can engage in impactful discussions that move the needle toward your goals and optimal culture.

Objectives Often Include

Outsider specializes in creating the space for conversations that drive effective outcomes.

  • Building Trust across your Team
  • Optimizing your Leader Teams
  • Establishing the Right Communication Patterns
  • Leader Development
  • Problem Solving & Decision-Making Frameworks
  • Starting a Dialogue on Topics Generally Avoided
  • Promoting & Maintaining the Right Culture

Facilitation is a highly effective way for leader teams to solve problems, increase engagement, and navigate difficult conversations. Facilitation can happen in the office, in a brief format, or as part of a longer off-site.

Jamey Gadoury Headshot-2

“Leaders see the long game. They have a mindset of lifelong improvement for themselves and those they lead.

Outsider is an ally for your development journey.”

Jamey Gadoury

Founder of Outsider Consulting


In the below recordings, Outsider Consulting’s Founder, Jamie Gadoury, is interviewed by Brian Willis, the host of The Excellence of Training Academy.

Other Methods Used

Leader Coaching

Examine strengths and weaknesses, compare and contrast personality, leverage a sounding board, and apply what you learn.

Data & Assessments

Optimize your team’s performance in light of critical barriers to growth & create a roadmap to discover your full potential.

Teaching & Speaking

Harness the power of story and lessons learned to refine how your team works cohesively toward effective outcomes.

We offer customized solutions to effectively reach your individual team!

Develop yourself, your leaders, and your team.

1. Book your discovery call.

We drill down to understand you and your company and the roadblocks you’re experiencing.

2. We’ll propose a game plan.

We’ll craft a proposal that applies proven methods to your unique challenges.

3. Move your organization forward.

As we execute the game plan, your leadership and team cohesion will grow. And we’ll be with you each step of the way.

Download the CEO’s Express Lane to Cohesive Leader Teams eBook

Building a cohesive leader team takes time, deliberate effort, and a little bit of luck. But what if you could take the express lane?

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