Leader Coaching

One of the hardest things to do is to see how we look from the outside. As leaders rise in seniority, this becomes challenging, as both availability and candor of feedback decline.

  • You need an ally who will guide you in a hard look at your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You need a sounding board who will slow down and chew on tough problems with you.
  • You need an outside perspective built both on personal experience and on coaching with countless other leaders in various industries.

We provide that. We join you from single sessions to multi-year relationships and work hard for your good.

Jamey Gadoury Headshot-2

“Leaders see the long game. They have a mindset of lifelong improvement for themselves and those they lead.

Outsider is an ally for your development journey.”

Jamey Gadoury

Founder of Outsider Consulting

Other Methods Used

Teaching & Speaking

Harness the power of story and lessons learned to refine how your team works cohesively toward effective outcomes.

Data & Assessments

Optimize your team’s performance in light of critical barriers to growth & create a roadmap to discover your full potential.


Create & maintain a healthy culture, understand your team dynamics & cast a shared vision of success.

We offer customized solutions to effectively reach your individual team!

Develop yourself, your leaders, and your team.

1. Book your discovery call.

We drill down to understand you and your company and the roadblocks you’re experiencing.

2. We’ll propose a game plan.

We’ll craft a proposal that applies proven methods to your unique challenges.

3. Move your organization forward.

As we execute the game plan, your leadership and team cohesion will grow. And we’ll be with you each step of the way.

Download the CEO’s Express Lane to Cohesive Leader Teams eBook

Building a cohesive leader team takes time, deliberate effort, and a little bit of luck. But what if you could take the express lane?

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